About us
anýz is a studio and online store offering only good items for everyday use. We focus on finding the perfect balance between cost, quality, and aesthetics. We want everyone to be able to afford durable and locally-made products which will last them for generations. We do not strive for unnecessary modernity and exclusivity, we do not try to reinvent the wheel, and we love tradition. But at the same time, we are in continuous search for better and more affordable products, often using the latest technologies in the process.
Our main inspiration comes from the avant-garde movements of the First Czechoslovak Republic. Designs from that time were strongly influenced by the contemporary socio-cultural context which resulted in their timelessness and sophistication. Above all, they made functionality and durability the basis for good design. We continue to build on that tradition.
anýz is a young project which has been emerging slowly and spontaneously. At the very beginning was the idea of making design relevant and responsible again by sticking to the principles of democratic design. Slowly but surely we are fulfilling that idea and we are not stopping anytime soon.
Thank you for your support.